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Something about Tuesdays makes me angry… I don’t know what it is. Maybe because it’s such a nothing day.

Weston Cage
FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA’s great nephew, aka NICOLAS CAGE’s son aka WESTON CAGE got severely beaten by his trainer/bodyguard after the pair had an altercation over appropriate food selection. Apparently Weston and his bodyguard/trainer take their food rather seriously.

The physical fight started when Weston attempted a roundhouse kick on his companion, but the move backfired severely when his trainer/bodyguard went to town on Weston’s face. Young COPPOLA-CAGE copped 13 punches to the face on a Hollywood street, in a gutter, in broad daylight.He was taken to hospital for stitches, and a brain scan.

Typical of the idiots surrounding the incident, the footage would be captured on camera phone from at least 4 different angles, with nobody appearing to even attempt to intervene.

You can check out some fairly poor camera work of the incident below.

The reason I’m writing about this on ANGRY TUESDAY (apart from the incident being reasonably angry) is that WESTON CAGE is also the front man for an AMERICAN BLACK METAL band called EYES OF NOCTUM. Although the band claims to be BLACK METAL, I have doubts about this. I don’t know much, if anything about metal, but I believe that BLACK METAL has the characteristic of shrieked vocals and EYES OF NOCTUM have quite a lot that are growled, as you will see in the clip below, so maybe these guys are more of a BLACKENED DEATH METAL band. Anyway, like I said I don’t really know, but for those of you who are into music, there are some pretty insane sub genres of metal, which I will come back to next ANGRY TUESDAY.

Anywho, here’s the angry work of WESTON CAGE, and if you were introduced to people as often as he is, in the way that I introduced him at the top of this article, it’s no wonder he makes music like this…hell, I’d be angry too.

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