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Everybody knows that Mondays are fucked… so I’m giving you music that is fucked…
Love it or hate it, it is still fucked…

The Descent into Hell

When the end of days is near, there will be a fire from the depths of hell that starts spewing from the worlds major volcanoes. This will last for an usually long time. Hells stench and fury will be seeping up through our drainage systems, underground tunnels and finally coming up through the cracks in the pavement of the streets we walk and live.

Cities will burn, people will melt before our eyes, and just before the climatic explosion that destroys all faith and innocence, there will be a music collaboration between two hell fires that will either save humanity, or condemn it to Sodom.

But what sort of music collaboration could be so huge yet so fragile, as to have the possibility to bring back the human race from the brink, or open up the underground gate to the hell armies of Satan?

I can barely say it, or write it, with a straight face, but LOU REED and METALLICA have been collaborating on an album which as METALLICA drummer LARS ULRICH says, is 90% finished.

The album was recorded over the last few months in METALLICAs recording studio just north of SAN FRANCISCO. The recordings were originally meant to be of ‘fallen jewels that nobody remembered,’ as Lou puts it, but just a week before Reed was due in the studio, he decided to change the shit out of the plan and instead record songs that Lou-boy had written for the ROBERT WILSON directed, FRAN WEDEKIND written, theatrical production LULU, currently playing in BERLIN.

With songs named PUMPING BLOOD and MISTRESS DREAD you can form a pretty good idea of what the 10 track album will sound like.

Lou Reed wearing Oakleys
Collaborations such as this are always fairly risky; you have two extremely different fan bases to cater to, both with preconceived ideas of what it should sound like and whose influence should be dominant on the album. You’re never going to please both parties.

Nevertheless I am interested to see how the collaboration turns out on the album that doesn’t currently have a release date due to both LOU REED and METALLICA being free agents without record labels.

Reed claims the pairing up is a ‘marriage made in heaven,’ but I’m yet to be convinced if it will be one hell of a collaboration, or a collaboration from hell.

Check out the footage of when LOU REED and METALLICA first hooked up to play live at the ROCK N ROLL HALL OF FAME 25th anniversary in NEW YORK back in 2009. It kind of makes me think of someone’s dad jamming in the garage with their kids…and Louie keeps on looking suspiciously at the METALLICA boys, waiting for them to come over and bottle him. The crowds reaction is also interesting when LOU REED is announced, first they cheer and then they boo, and then they cheer some more. BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

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